Our Mission

We empower families in crisis to break the cycle of poverty.

Our Methodology

You can’t build a life on unstable ground. That is why our first step is to eliminate the barriers that keep families in crisis from achieving stability. For families facing homelessness, we provide transitional housing in one of the 25 fully-furnished apartments that we own debt-free. For families with who are behind on their rent or have other serious financial issues, we provide low-interest loans via On the Road Lending. For parents who cannot attend interviews or start a new job because of lack of funds for childcare, we provide free childcare.
Next, equip parents to overcome poverty by helping parents identify a purpose that will help them to go from “working to live” to “loving their work” via career coaching. We assist parents with increasing their earning potential though counseling to boast self-confidence, career assessments to help them identify the best career path, and career training to increase skills. We also provide financial coaching to help reduce debt, build a savings safety-net and make the most of their new income.
Simultaneously, children are stabilized via our structured and nurturing Hope & Horizons Children & Teens Program. We build our children’s self-worth through affirmation, artistic expression, and activities that encourage them to dream. Then, we equip them with the skills to successfully pursue those dreams by providing tutoring to overcome academic gaps as well as play therapy and group counseling to ensure they develop the discipline and self-esteem necessary to succeed in and out of the classroom.
This holistic combination of services produces results that elevate entire families out of poverty as indicated by our FY2016 results.
  • 100% of FY2016 graduates remained employed and in housing one year later
  • 97% of FY2015 graduates remain employed and in housing two years later.
  • 90% of all graduates live without the aid of housing subsidies saving Dallas tax payers approximately $8 million dollars per graduating class.

Our Promise

  • We will honor you by treating you with dignity and respect.
  • We will help you by providing a hand-up out of poverty.
  • We will hold you accountable as you pursue your goals.

Our Faith and Values

Interfaith was founded by a coalition of Christian churches in 1985. The name “Interfaith,” in our case, reflects the fact that various denominations of Christian churches have come together to support our agency. Our faith in Christ is the foundation of the work we do to stabilize families and equip them with the tools needed to have a high quality of life. We are driven to help our residents realize their full potential based on our belief in John 10:10—“I have come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.” Our values also reflect our faith in God.

We warmly welcome families of any faith or no faith at all. Families in Interfaith’s program are required to participate in religious activities hosted on-site. Families who do not wish to be involved in the required activity, due to religious preference, must complete a supplemental activity at the discretion of the Case Management team. Additionally, we provide optional Christian activities such as prayer with staff or mentors, devotional time during job search, and referrals to places of worship.

We believe that faith is most powerful when displayed through our actions. Our commitment to serving our families is based on the scriptures found in James 2:15-16 which reads, “Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?

Motivated by Christ’s love for us and His restorative work in our lives, Interfaith lovingly provides the housing, support services, and accountability our families need to transform their lives. We strive to demonstrate the love of God in a manner that will create a real desire to know the God we serve. When it does, we openly and gladly share our faith.

Volunteers, particularly from our partner churches, are encouraged to share their faith when appropriate. Volunteers work very closely with our families as mentors, tutors, and event coordinators. It is natural for volunteers to want to share their testimony to provide a reference point for residents to garner strength and hope for the future.